the big bad impulsive wolf

― independent, private, selective AMBROSE LEMIEUX from teen wolf as written by cherri.

wanna know his history, right ?

AMBROSE LEMIEUX born on april 11th, 1983. as the first born the parent should give all their love care to their baby, am i right? well sadly it didn't go so well for ambrose, he's been neglected since day one. everything he did was wrong and was troubled for it for no reason. when ambrose started to grow up he knew he had to take care of himself since his parents didn't take care of him. he learned everything by himself, how to hunt down, how to kill, along with his education. his little sister, andréanne came along in the world 1989, he was excited to be a big brother. his protective instincts kicked in, he would try to play with her, but their parents wouldn't let him near her. deucalion would literally toss him away from her. all he wanted was to spend time with his little sister but he had to remind himself that he couldn't nearly do anything without getting in trouble by doing the slightest things. as he gotten older, in his mind all wanted to do was get away from them, he knew as soon as school was done, he was done. that point was reached he packed up his bags, said goodbye to his little sister and left. it was two days after his leaving and he hadn't heard anything from them and it felt like fucking heaven. though he needed to find haven. he started to look around for jobs and he certainly found a good one which was being a mechanic. he loved cars and fixing them, he taught himself since his father didn't taught him of course. he applied and after three days, he got a call and got a job! and til this day he is still working as a mechanic. though things has changed. his personality has changed, while working he is to himself, he doesn't talk, he just works, he has a really bad temper. at night, he hunts. searching the town for who to kill, even innocents. he's lost his soul and somehow he can't get it back. though when it comes to his sister and his daughter, that's different.
ambrose had a childhood friend, her name was jasmine. they would always hang out and talk, she would help him calm down after his beatings with his dad or arguments. she helped him through it all, soon enough they fell in love. had a child and got married, they had been together for years. even throughout the bad times they had together, they still stayed together because they were in love. until his black outs started.. and gotten worst, he accidentally killed her in the night and didnt even remember doing it, but the worst part was that his daughter saw it all. he had to take care of both of them, himself and his daughter, he knew he wouldnt touch a hair on his daughter. but of course he almost tried to since he can't control it with anyone.
NOWambrose has trouble controlling his blackouts, he blames his father all the time and wishes his life was better as it was. he is grumpy and hates on everything, so he may come out as really rude. plus, he may just want to kill you just by looking at him. his sister tries to help him with his black outs which she ended up in danger since he was trying to kill her as well.SOON
as his life slowly gets better, his hunting for people fades as he finally deals with therapy and remembers what he has done to many people. his killing stops, he lives happily, taking care of his daughter and owning a home and having a good job, he became a sheriff. he finally learn to control his black outs.
WHY IS AMBROSE KILLING AND WHAT DOES HE SEE WHILE KILLING??he is killing mainly because he sees his father in front of him and wished it was him after putting him through hell.PERSONALITY
his personality can come out as sarcastic and very cold. he likes to have fun with you as in mess with you. if he likes you, he may flirt platonically and romantically. he doesn't like to talk about his father, it will anger him. he can be selfish but sometimes he can have a heart and care. if anyone threatens his new family, they will simply get it.

.    FULL NAME.    .    ambrose jay lemieux
.    ALSO KNOWN AS.    .    aj
.    D.O.B. + AGE.    .    4 / 17 / 1983 | 40
.    GENDER.    .    male
.    PRONOUNS.    .    he/him/his
.    ORIENTATION.    .    straight / single
.    OCCUPATION.    .    mechanic / after his life gets way better he becomes a sheriff.
.    SPECIES.    .    werewolf

.    BIRTHPLACE.    .    beacon hills, california
.    CURRENT HOME.    .    beacon hills, california
.    LANGUAGE(S).    .    english + very well
.    PARENTS.    .    mrs. lemieux, deucalion
.    OTHERS.    .    andréanne lemieux
.    SIG. OTHER.    .    N/A
.    PET(S).    .    cat (binx)

the familial lines

DEUCALION ⎯ father of andréanne and ambrose lemieux.MRS. LEMIEUX ⎯ mother of andréanne and ambrose lemieux.ANDRÉANNE LEMIEUX  ⎯ daughter of deucalion and lemieux. younger sister ambrose.BIRDIE LEMIEUX ⎯ daughter of ambrose lemieux & jasmine monroe.ELI HALE ⎯ oldest son of derek and andréanne. ambrose's nephew.MAXINE HALE ⎯ second born of derek and andréanne. ambrose's niece.DEREK HALE ⎯ husband of andréanne. ambrose's brother in law.CORA HALE ⎯ sister of derek hale. ambrose's sister in law.